Through the grants from Victorian Government DFFH PRMC2 (Priority Response for Multicultural Communities Program – Phase 2) , we have been able to provide emergency food relief , culturally appropriate goods , events and language-specific information about COVID-19, vaccination and further health advices.
In the past 3 months, we have distributed approx. 1,200 meals and 100 food kits to international students, single mothers, temporary migrants, job seekers and vulnerable residents impacted by on-going COVID-19 lockdowns. Since then we have delivered more than 500 bags of relief packs to those in need all over Melbourne’s CBD, Northern and South Eastern suburbs.
We are still working on application for more COVID-19 supporting grants and other sources of funding. By executing project activities such as these, we have been able to support our multicultural community who are struggling, disadvantaged or socially isolated.
Vaccine hesitation and compliance to COVID 19 restrictions is an ongoing issue for communities including many CALD background groups despite multiple info sessions, targeted vaccine hubs and communications. We will keep up our work to encourage the broader community to get vaccinated.
Keep fighting with virus. Stay safe and healthy!